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Lillian Colton

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David Steinlicht

“Seed Queen Book”

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8.75" x 10"
Third place
Advanced amateur, natural colors

[Seed Queen original art small]

[Seed Queen book cover small]
On the cover

[Alan Carpenter's Tryptic Myron Floren small]

[Alan Carpenter Myron Floren image]

Seeds used:
alfalfa, amaranth, birdsfoot trefoil, millet, red millet

Original art for Will Powers, design director at the Minnesota Historical Society Press for the book "Seed Queen: The Story of Crop Art and the Amazing Lillian Colton," written by Colleen Sheehy. The cover and book design is by Cathy Spengler Design.

The inspiration for the backround of the "Seed Queen" book was Alan Carpenter's "Tryptic," of which the above image is just a third.

[small seed]
Image on this page ©2007 copyright by David Steinlicht.
Crop Art Web site ©2021 copyright Crop Art website.
Use of these images without permission is prohibited.
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