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Lillian Colton
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Julie Rainey

Julie Rainey works as a public health program evaluator, but in her spare time she enjoys making art quilts, watercolor painting, and entering any type of quirky art competition she can find, from the Minneapolis Aquatennial Sand Sculpture competition (where she has been on several winning teams) to pontoon boat parade contests. But State Fair crop art is by far her favorite.

News stories about Julie Rainey

[Julie Rainey Grain Belt Beer image] [Julie Rainey Herkimer Bar image] [Julie Rainey Lake Harriet Bandshell image] [Julie Rainey St. Anthony Main image] [Julie Rainey Wake of the Flood image]
Grain Belt Beer
Herkimer Bar
Lake Harriet Bandshell
St. Anthony Main
Wake of the Flood
[Julie Rainey Brandi Carlile image]
Brandi Carlile

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A visual art critic's take on top 10 crop artworks at the Minnesota State Fair
By Alicia Eler
Star Tribune, August 29, 2023

[tiny seed]

Images on this page © copyright by Julie Rainey
Crop Art web site ©2023 copyright cropart.com
Use of these images without permission is prohibited.
Questions or comments? Write to cropart@cropart.com.