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Janine Joseph

While enjoying a career in IT, it lacks a creative outlet. Therefore, Janine looks for hobbies that can scratch her creative itch. She first entered the scarecrow competition at the Minnesota state fair and then discovered all the amazing crop art next door in the Horticulture building. Her first entry was in 2023 and her "Beatles Boots" got her hooked on this new adventure in a unique and fun art form.

[Janine Joseph Beatles Boots image] [Janine Joseph Bob Dylan Scarecrow image]
Beatles Boots
Bob Dylan Scarecrow (with a crop art face)

[tiny seed]

Images on this page © copyright by Janine Joseph
Crop Art web site ©2023 copyright cropart.com
Use of these images without permission is prohibited.
Questions or comments? Write to cropart@cropart.com.