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Dave Thompson

I'm an advocate for mental health, fighting the stigma, and suicide prevention. I lost my sister, Katherine, at the age of 37, on March 26, 2012, to anxiety, depression, and ultimately suicide. I like to volunteer, especially with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and granting wishes with Make-A-Wish. I'm an active runner (especially charity races), and I have been leading the Grandma's Marathon AFSP team for many years. I'm a huge believer in chasing our dreams and supporting others as they chase theirs. We are only guaranteed today so do the best that you can, be kind to others, and make an adventure out of it! [Dave Thompson photo]

[Dave Thompson My sister Katherine image] [Dave Thompson My sister 34 Ways 2 Love image]
My Sister, Katherine. We Can Stop Suicide.
34 (and counting) Ways to Love

[tiny seed]

Images on this page © copyright by Dave Thompson
Crop Art web site ©2024 copyright cropart.com
Use of these images without permission is prohibited.
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