



[Crop Art Gallery logo]

Linda Koutsky

“Seed Purse”

Previous Linda’s gallery


Blue ribbon, seed and plant craft, amateur

11 x 11.5 x 5"
[Linda Koutsky Seed Purse image]

Seeds used:
cantaloupe, corn silk, dutch white clover, flax, japanese maple, maple, millet, oat groats, poppy, scarlet runner bean, thistle, wheat berry, wild rice

Other views.
[Linda Koutsky Seed Purse image] [Linda Koutsky Seed Purse 2 image] [Linda Koutsky Seed Purse 3 light image]

[small seed]

Image on this page ©2002 copyright by Linda Koutsky.
Crop Art Web site ©2015 copyright cropart.com
Use of these images without permission is prohibited.
Questions or comments? Please write to cropart@cropart.com.